Monday, July 9, 2012

I Dont Know Why...

I Don't Know Why....Im still wondering...Why dont I act?just think....but when I do I dont Think... thats a problem too....@_@
1)Dilema in what kind of job im entitled to....
2)May have problems in my communication skill....but yet....can communicate sometime....
3)Cant trust I have trust issue.....
4)Coffee problems......
5)Eating problems......hehehe

Maybe joking a lot without thinking could be a problem too...I may have to start being serious....
Just look at the age of 60-25=35 years in coming.....I think I have to start hunting for things now...

Personal Growth Group....

Today...I woke up late again....feel sorry for myself as I could do a lot of things.... but that doesn't stop me from doing what I do best every single day....

1)Watch out for the see whether they have enough food to survive...cleaned up their toilets....
2)Hanging the clothes to dry.....look at the plants...
3)Cleaning the things that needs to be clean

Then....Mummy told me to cook something....I was lazy at first...I refused....after a long thought... I have manage to get up and asked mum......"so....where do we start?"...huhu

Here is the recipe on todays cooking

dry chillies-soaked
1/2 onion
Vegetables-preferable greens

Firstly, put dry chillies,1/2 onion and garlic into the blender with water......blend them
Secondly, put the oil in the pan on the cooker......wait till you feel the heat with your palm
Thirdly,put the things that you have blend into the pan.... wait for a while until the smell comes up... then put prawns, tauhu and mee......Mixed them for a while then put in vegetables......



Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dizzy Morning.....

I woke up today.....feeling dizzy as ever..
1) Nescafe has not been worn off yet
2) Many things has not been accomplished yet
3) My room is still in a mess
4) I haven't showered yet...
5) My cats pooed all over the place....
6) One good news is that my mum pokok sirih has bloomed back......:)

How is your day?care to share??....

Many Days so far......

  1.  I guess I have been relaxing and I never knew that I could do things that I thought I couldn't do before....I feel blessed because I have graduated ...Its not just that....My parent and family still around... to see that I  have grown.....even though I'm still in the process of learning...
  2. My interest in something ...Does it ever develop?of course....especially music...maybe yesterday I'm so uptight with Michael Jackson and Britney Spears...but today...I have spread my wings to handle new music from Big Bang and Hyori......these two....have been inspirational to me
  3. My idol?Maybe some might say idol is what we associate with something else....but that is not what idol really means.....idol is when we look up to someone ...not belief in that idol to do something for just something that gives inspiration to us.....sometime its a sign from Allah s.w.t?? we will never know the story behind the curtain until we are padang masyar...SO QUIT BUGGING ON SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM BY PUTTING YOUR NOSE ON for this answer...still Tun Dr.M.....this doesnt mean that im going to be a guy and loved woman... lets look at this way....ACT LIKE A LADY THINK LIKE A MAN?....hihihihi
  4. I don't like to change someone's belief just because my belief is different than them....this is due to the fact that EVEN THOUGH WE ARE ALL THE SAME .....WE HAVE DIFFERENT KIND OF THINKINGS.....every process take little by little
  5. This is not my last sentences.....I think International Law is not right because it has not been practice.. so ...what say you.....try to put law in good hands...I mean ...whats the purpose of law if You keep breaking them....if one person thinks that he could break law as he like and the others follow... when do you think people will respect the laws?